Shaping the Future of Digital Fashion: A Masterclass with Industry Leaders


In the ever-evolving fashion landscape, innovation has found its perfect technology partner. As digital fashion begins to dominate conversations about sustainability, creativity, and the industry’s future, we at Hadeeart Atelier are thrilled to announce an exciting collaboration between our Creative Director Idiat Shiole (Hadeeart) and leading fashion technology experts.

On September 26th & 27th, 2024, our Creative Director, alongside Jessica James in partnership with Style3D , Africacomicade and other industry leaders, will be hosting an immersive Digital Fashion Masterclass in Lagos, Nigeria. This two-day event is poised to be a transformational experience for 30 participants, empowering them with the tools and knowledge they need to step boldly into digital fashion.

Why Digital Fashion?

Digital fashion is not just a trend—it’s a movement. It’s the intersection of technology and fashion where garments are designed digitally and can be worn in virtual environments, used in video games, or even brought to life through augmented reality. With the rise of virtual influencers, and digital avatars, the way we interact with clothing is rapidly changing, and this opens up unprecedented opportunities for creativity and expression.

At Hadeeart Atelier, we recognize the importance of not only being part of this conversation but actively shaping it. Our Creative Director’s participation in this masterclass is a reflection of our commitment to staying at the forefront of digital innovation while inspiring the next generation of fashion designers.

What Will Participants Learn?

The masterclass will cover a wide range of topics essential for anyone looking to break into digital fashion:

  1. 3D Fashion Design: Participants will learn how to use digital fashion tools to create intricate digital garments that can be used in virtual worlds and games.
  2. Garment and Pattern Creation: The technical process of transforming an idea into a fully realised digital piece.
  3. Prototyping: Developing digital prototypes that can reduce the time, waste, and resources involved in traditional fashion design.

But the learning doesn’t stop there. Attendees will have the opportunity to showcase their designs in front of an audience at the Africacomicade Gamathon and Creative Bloc Carnival, two premier events that spotlight the intersection of game, creativity, and technology.

And for those looking to gain professional credentials, participants will also have the chance to earn the coveted Style3D Skilled Certification, a credential recognized globally within the digital fashion and design industries. This certification will not only highlight their skills but also open doors to exciting new opportunities in the world of fashion.

Why Lagos, Why Now?

Lagos is fast becoming a hub for creativity and technological innovation, making it the perfect location for this masterclass. As digital fashion grows globally, African creators are increasingly stepping into the spotlight, bringing unique perspectives, styles, and cultural influences to the table.

This masterclass is more than just a learning experience—it’s a chance to be part of the larger Africacomicade Gamathon, a festival that celebrates gaming, animation, and digital creativity. Participants won’t just be students—they’ll be creators, showcasing their work alongside other pioneers at one of the most creative events in the region.

We believe that Lagos, with its vibrant blend of culture, fashion, and tech-savvy talent, is the ideal setting for such an event, and we’re eager to see the amazing talent that will emerge.

Looking Ahead: A New Era of Fashion

As we prepare for the Digital Fashion Masterclass in Lagos, we’re reminded of the incredible potential that lies in the fusion of fashion and technology. With the right tools and mindset, creators can break free from the traditional constraints of design, exploring new dimensions of creativity in the digital world.

If you’re passionate about fashion and ready to explore the industry’s future, there’s still time to join this masterclass. Whether you’re a designer, a student, or simply a curious creative, this is your chance to gain invaluable insights and practical skills that will prepare you for a career in digital fashion.

Register here to secure your spot, and don’t miss the opportunity to collaborate, learn, and grow alongside some of the brightest minds in fashion technology.

Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about future events, collaborations, and more. We look forward to having you as part of our growing community of innovators, creators, and digital fashion enthusiasts.

Follow Hadeeart Atelier on LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter for the latest updates, and we can’t wait to see how you’ll help shape the future of fashion with

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Hadeeart Atelier is committed to transforming fashion through innovative digital solutions. We’re here to elevate your fashion journey.

Contact us or book a call to explore how we can bring your digital fashion ideas to life.